Friday, October 26, 2007

Paper Topic #1

I am picking, ppaper topic number 1, which is about a rule we disagree with at Proctor.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Paper Topic #1

I am choosing paper topic number 1, which is about who fallowed Emersons teachings more, Thoreau, or Whitman

Emily Dickinson - Transcendentalism

I believe Emily Dickinson was a Transcendentalist writter, because she relates everything to how she feels toward things and how nature affects her feelings. She is always coming up with new ideas and imagining what something she hasn't seen would look like. She feels very strongly about being individual and working by yourself to accomplish something, but not letting someone else change your oppinions on things. She uses both culture, religion, and nature to philosophize what she believes what life is, which is exactly what transcendentalism is.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Song of Myself - Walt Whitman

"Failing to fetch me t first keep encouraged, Missing me one place search another, I spot somewhere waiting for you."
- This quote talks about how he will always be waiting for the one seeking him, and that they shouldn't stop once they have looked in one place, but to continue looking until they find him, because he will be waiting for the seeker. This relates to the story, because a lot about himself, and thee good and bad trates he has. It shows that no matter how you feel about him, he will always be waiting for you, and wont continue is journey until you have found him.

"The old husband sleeps by his wife, and the young husband sleeps by his wife."
- This quote is saying that a young man should be with his wife, and an old should be by his. Not refering to marriage, but to times. He feels the young men should stay in there time. He claims that over time, the world changes and that the old man shouldn't try and act like the young man, and the young man should try to act like the old man, but act as though they are expected to. This relates to the story, because Witman talks about how each man does whjat each man is supposed to do, sticks to that job, and doesn't try to change and do something, that isn't there thing.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Minidter's Black Veil

""But what has good Parson Hooper got upon his face?" cried the sexton in astonishment
-This quote shows a lot aabout how the people in the town, feel about the veil over his face. It shows that people aare truly afraid of him and don't know how to accept what he believes is the right thing to do. This is a good quote for the story, because if relates to how in the begining of the story, he feels as though it doesn't fase him in the least, but by the end he finds it very hard to be accepted and it is extreamly hard for him, but he still will not take it off. He loses his fiance and is treated differenlty by all people, but he just wont take it off. He also states that if just one person could love him with it on, he would be able to take it off, and though everyone knows that, they just wont accept it.

"An unsought pathos cam hand in hand with awe."
-This is another god wuote to describe how they are feeling. They all feel very scared, and no one knows quite what to do, it brings a feeling of guilt to their minds, for all the horrible stuff they had ever done, btu he is payinghis do's and none of them have even admitted to it. The wsh for the wind to just blow the veil away and take the feel of sorrow with it, but nothing could remove the feeling they had within them. This goes hand in hand with the story, because this is what the black velied man wanted people to feel, but none the less he wanted to be accepted with it, and although everyone knew that, and felt horrible for things they had done, they just coulnd't beer accept what he was doing to himself. The man tries to bring people to admit what they haave done, but nothing seemed to help.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Young Goodman Brown

“There may be a devilish Indian behind every tree”
- In the world, good isn’t a gift, for no matter what you are given, there is always bad that comes with it. This quote is using the example about Indians and trees, because they are walking along through the woods, and there are all these lovely trees around them. Normally that would be good, but since you can’t have good without bad, there must be some sort of bad that comes along with it, and behind a good tree, could be a bad Indian.

“This is a dull place for the beginning of a journey. Take my staff, if you are so soon weary”
- This quote is saying, this is only the beginning of your journey, if you can’t make it, I will lend you a hand, but I can’t be there forever and soon enough you wont be able to make it through anything without me and you’ll fall, because you can’t hold yourself up and stand on your own two feet, you need someone there to do it for you. I’ll do that if it is what you really want, but pretty soon, you’ll see is all I did was tear you down.